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About Me

My spiritual journey began in 2018 with a near death experience that led to being temporarily blind & deaf , having paralysis on the right side of my body and a massive TBI that left me with 3/4 of my brain damaged. Shortly after I was diagnosed with epilepsy and Multiple Sclerosis, an autoimmune disorder, where I was told to expect to permanently be in a wheelchair by the time I was in my late 30’s, mind you, I was in my mid 20’s. At this point in my life, I was not religious or spiritual, I was more so on auto-pilot and deeply programmed through my childhood trauma & previous experiences. Some may call this event the “dark night of the soul” - an experience that challenges you to look at your deepest fears & wounds, to go within & heal…and it did exactly that. 


I spent the next two years rehabilitating my physical body, and since my brain took about 4.5 years to fully heal, I spent much time meditating, doing breathe-work, journaling, saying affirmations & practicing restorative yoga to help my body and mind reconnect. As I began to explore meditation, I started seeing things, people, energies and more in my mind's eye. In time I learned to surrender to what was around me and work with it rather than fear it. I learned to protect my  energy and find clarity in the guidance I was receiving from these images from the divine. 


I began to go to reiki sessions bi-weekly and do my daily meditations & soon my paralysis started to vanish. My sight and hearing improved. My thoughts became more hopeful and I started to see the lesson in this traumatic event. I learned that I create my reality & that my mind and my beliefs are what shape my experiences. Throughout the reiki sessions I would see images- "downloads" as some call it. It intrigued me and that's when I dove in 200% into reiki, divinity, chakras, self healing, and realizing how powerful the mind is and how our thoughts, words and actions create our realities, it also showed me how Spirit, God, Universe, was preparing me for this journey through my deep interest in psychology & self improvement. All of these topics lead me to tarot and that's where I found my gifts even more so. Soon realizing I was a psychic medium, capable of channeling past, present and future energies as well as loved ones who are no longer physically present with us. My meditations developed into journeys, my tarot readings changed to channels and soon after, all I needed for my tarot readings was a name. The connection to source became clearer and clearer the more connected I felt to myself- to my body, my mind and my spirit, the happier and more comfortable I became simply being me- the more I was able to connect with spirit and share this connection with others. 


When I was cleared to return to my corporate job, I stayed for three months and quickly realized, I was not the same person, nor was that the place for me after this life changing experience. So, I quit my job on the spot,  and Lead By Light, LLC was born. 


Thank you so much for taking this time to read about my journey and I look forward to playing a role in yours and being able to bear witness to your healing & evolution!


With Love & Gratitude, 



Owner Of Lead By Light, LLC

Education and Certifications

Education in Biology & Psychology 

Jordyn graduated with a BA in Biology, while also pursuing her passion for Psychology during her time at university. This field has always captivated her, and she continues to explore it today, recognizing its constant evolution and profound impact on our spiritual journeys. Her dedication to understanding the human mind drives her to stay informed about the latest developments in Psychology.

Usui & Holy Fire Reiki Master, Quantum Healer & Shamanic Practitioner

Jordyn completed her Reiki and Shamanic Healing Apprenticeship under her Reiki Master and Shaman in 2018. Her journey in Reiki and Shamanic studies is ongoing, as she has recently achieved certification as a Karuna Ki Reiki Master and a Reiki Grand Master. This commitment to her practice reflects her dedication to healing and personal growth. Jordyn is passionate about sharing her knowledge and helping others on their healing journeys.

Spiritual & Shamanic Life Coach & Meditation Facilitator

Jordyn's passion for psychology & spirituality led her to pursue certification as a Life Coach, Spiritual Life Coach & Shamanic Arts Life Coach. These certifications enable her to blend her knowledge of psychology with spiritual practices, empowering her clients to develop new beliefs and actions that resonate with their true selves. By implementing breathe-work & meditation Jordyn give's clients the tools to regulate their nervous systems & maintain a deep feeling of empowerment.

QHHT Level 2 Practitioner & Vinyasa Yoga Teacher 

As Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, Jordyn guides her clients into profound trance states to explore and release subconscious blockages, fostering awareness and healing from this life and past life experiences. Additionally, as a Certified Vinyasa Yoga Teacher, she shares her passion for the transformative power of breath and movement, helping clients heal and evolve in body and spirit. 

Image by Prophsee Journals

©2025 by Lead By Light, LLC

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