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About Me

My name is Jordyn.

I am the owner of Lead by Light, LLC and I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you a bit about myself and my journey. 


First, My Educational Background:

I am a certified reiki master, shaman, spiritual life coach & meditation facilitator. 

I graduated in 2016 with a BA in Biology.

Psychology is a passion of mine and something I am constantly educating myself on for the benefit of self & others. I have taken many psychology based classes & courses. 


My Spiritual Journey

In 2018 I had a seizure and suffered a massive brain injury. During this incident I had a near death experience. When I "came back" I was blind and deaf for short period of time and soon had paralysis on the right side of my body, later to be diagnosed with MS. At this point in my life, I was not religious, I was not spiritual, I was not "enlightened", I was very much so "going through the motions" of day-to-day life. 


As I spent about a year in recovery, spending most of my time in quiet, dark rooms so my brain could fully heal, I was forced into a period of introspection (hermit mode as most tarot lovers would call it). I was forced to look at myself since all I had was my thoughts. My mind wondered and I started to think "Why?- Why did this happen to me? Which was not at all the case. I am in my mid twenties and am in perfect health and out of nowhere the universe "punished" me..." as  I saw it.


I was frightened at first because there was so much unknown about my situation and on top of my health, I started seeing things, people, energies and more.  In time I learned to surrender to what was around me and work with it, protect my own energy and find clarity in guidance in the divine.


Due to my paralysis & the things I was experiencing,  I started to look into books on chakras, reiki, mindfulness and meditation. As I went to reiki sessions and did my daily meditations my paralysis started to vanish. My sight and hearing improved. My thoughts became more hopeful and I started to see the lesson in this traumatic event. I learned that I create my reality. Throughout the reiki sessions I would see images- "downloads" as some reiki practitioners and tarot readers call it. It intrigued me and that's when I dove in 200% into reiki, divinity, chakras, self healing, and realizing how powerful the mind is and how our thoughts, words and actions create our realities. All of these topics lead me to tarot and that's where I found my gifts even more so. 


My meditations developed into journeys, my tarot readings changed to channels and soon after, all I needed for my tarot readings was a name. The connection to source became clearer and clearer the more connected I felt to myself- to my body, my mind and my spirit. The happier and more comfortable I became simply being me- the more I was able to share with others. I love being able to share my experience, my change of perspective and my lifestyle with others in hopes of helping them find peace within themselves and their journey.


I hope to help you along your journey, no matter how difficult it may seem in this moment, just remember, all is temporary. The storms come to spread the seeds so new opportunities can grow. 


Thank you for readings about my journey and I hope to hear from you soon! 


Love & Light



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